New Year, New You

The start of a new year is a time to reflect on what you want to change moving forward. If you’ve spent the last year considering making a change by investing in breast augmentation surgery, now might be the perfect time!

Breast augmentation has consistently been one of the leading cosmetic surgery procedures performed every year. There are several reasons behind its popularity, such as personalized options, long-lasting results, and satisfaction rates. With all the choices out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Let’s break down some of the options:

Implants come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and cohesiveness. Saline, silicone, and cohesive gel (aka ‘gummy bear’) implants each have unique characteristics. They all have a silicone outer shell, but the inside differs. Saline implants are filled to the desired size with sterile salt water. Silicone implants are pre-filled to the correct volume with a gel. ‘Gummy bear’ implants are pre-filled with a thicker, cohesive silicone gel.

Dr. Poulter has been using responsive silicone gel implants since 2006, when they were re-approved by the FDA. These implants are a little softer, and settle at the upper pole just a little more. The more cohesive an implant, the firmer it is, with less rippling. It also has a little more upper pole fullness. Allergan ‘Gummy bear’ implants are among the most cohesive implants, and are available in a smooth, round implant.

Dr. Poulter uses Allergan cohesive gel implants, which offers the widest variety of shapes, so you can find the perfect fit for you. The Allergan Natrelle line of implants recently changed the amount of fill in their implants, so there is even less rippling, which produces better results.

Saline implants continue to be in limited use, as our practice has seen a significant increase in the number of silicone implants augmentations performed. Silicone implants have a good safety profile, softer feel, more natural look, and less capsular contracture.

Making the decision to get a breast augmentation can change your life by helping you look and feel better. Implants are recommended and selected on an individual basis, based on each patient. Dr. Poulter considers many factors such as if you have had children, have loose or tight skin, have a droop to the breast or not, your starting breast volume, and your height, weight, and body frame.

Dr. Poulter is board-certified and has extensive training and proven skill in the full range of cosmetic procedures. With his 30+ years of experience, he can provide solutions that will help keep you looking and feeling your best. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Poulter today or call our office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free at (888) 841-4108 and enhance your confidence!


Take Time For Yourself With Minimally-Invasive Options

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year. If you’re like us, you’ve been a bit stressed and focused on helping those around you. But don’t forget to take time for yourself, too! You deserve to look and feel your best, and this is the time to make it happen. Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are a fantastic way to look rejuvenated and brighten up your look with minimal to no downtime.

Non-surgical facial treatments include Botox, injectable fillers, and Kybella. While these are some of the most popular treatments around, there’s still some confusion in what they are and how they work. While they are all minimally invasive treatments that can have a huge impact on your appearance, that is where their similarities end.

Botox is a natural purified protein used to help minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles caused by facial expressions. It works by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles for lines and wrinkles. Those glabellar lines (the ‘elevens’ between your eyebrows), forehead lines, and crow’s feet all respond well to Botox. It can also be used in other areas as well that your board- certified plastic surgeon can help you with on the entire face and neck.

Dermal fillers are designed to add volume and fullness to the skin. During the aging process, our bodies produce less collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Fillers can be used to treat various signs of aging, such as plumping thinning lips, filling in shallow areas on the face, decreasing wrinkles under the eyes, and more. Some fillers lift and smooth out the folds and wrinkles in targeted areas by adding a subtle amount of volume, while others act as structural support to help lift the entire cheek and minimize the need for individual wrinkle treatment. There are many different types of fillers that can be used to treat multiple areas of the face, ears, and neck that last up to two years.

Kybella is a newer product on the scene and helps reduce your double chin. Kybella is a bit different than Botox and fillers in that once results are achieved, re-treatment is not expected to be required.   While Kybella is primarily used under the chin, it can also be used to treat facial fat in the jowls and higher (done in small amounts) and can even be used for other areas of unwanted fat such as bra fat, anterior armpit fat, dorsal hump, and for postoperative touch-ups (rarely needed).

Since these procedures can treat slightly different problems and are usually used in different areas of the face, it’s best to discuss your goals and options with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Poulter holds the Master Injector designation from Allergan and has over 30 years of filler experience. Schedule a consultation to discuss what’s best for you, and remember to take care of yourself this winter!


Planning Your Surgery

Although it’s cold outside now, you may be thinking of warmer weather activities like fun at the beach or the pool. Planning ahead now can help you be recovered – and look great – in time for spring and can help motivate you to head into the new year with new goals and a fresh start.

Winter is an ideal time to undergo just about any type of cosmetic surgery. During warm weather, most people want to enjoy the sunshine, making it tough to sit home and stay indoors.  Winter is a great time to plan a ‘stay-cation’ to recover from your surgery. With colder weather, you’ll likely be mainly indoors and looking to take it easier. Many people take time off during November and December for the holiday season. Scheduling plastic surgery during this time provides you with a unique opportunity to minimize vacation days during your recovery.

And while many of us dislike that there are fewer sunny days in winter, this is actually a good thing for your recovery. Patients are generally advised to avoid direct sun exposure after their procedure, and having the sun safely hidden behind the clouds makes that easier. Plus, warmer, bulkier clothes make it easy to conceal changes.

Body contouring and breast augmentation can both take a few months to recover fully. Many procedures require you to avoid swimming, soaker baths and hot tubs until your incisions have healed. Giving yourself plenty of recovery time can help ensure that you’re ready for warmer temperatures – and spring break fun.

If you undergo a facial procedure, you may have residual swelling and possibly even a little bruising for up to a month. In the winter, scarves and heavier makeup can help hide some of those side effects, so you can put your best face forward come spring.

While many patients are back to work and other activities within a few weeks after surgery, it might take longer for the full results of your procedure to take effect. Scheduling your procedure soon will give you plenty of time to heal. As next spring and summer draw closer, an increasing number of people may be looking to get their procedures done in time to be ready for the beach. By planning ahead and having your procedure during the winter months, you can avoid the early spring rush.

Looking and feeling your best can make a new year all the more fulfilling, as not only do you have a clean slate from the previous year, but you have a brand new look as well. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Poulter today or call our office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free at (888) 841-4108.

Keeping It Fresh Above The Mask

Today’s latest fashion accessory is the face mask. While it’s important to stay covered, you still want to look your best. Luckily, there are some procedures designed just for the area of the face above the mask (ATM) – your eyes, brows, and upper cheeks.

Whether you want to improve your appearance or are experiencing functional problems with your eyelids, an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can help rejuvenate your eye area. Most eyelid surgeries are completely cosmetic, but if there is so much skin that it is resting on your lashes, you’ll be sent for a visual field study. If it’s determined that the skin is causing a problem with your vision, insurance may cover your procedure.

Surgery can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids and can treat a number of issues. As you age, the tissue layer that holds the fat back that surrounds your eyes relaxes and the fat bulges out, causing bags under your eyes and in the upper lids as well. Surgery can remove the sagging skin that makes you look tired and sometimes impairs vision. The fatty deposits that cause bags underneath the eyes can be reduced as well as the excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid. The results can provide a more rested and youthful appearance.

Dr. Poulter is very conscientious of where incisions are placed. For an upper eyelid surgery, the incision goes in the eyelid crease, so you do not see it at all when the eye is open. The lower lid incision is just below the lashes and is well-hidden.

A component of the upper lid fullness can also be a droopy eyebrow. If the brows are too low, a brow lift may be needed to complete the improvement of the upper lids helping you look younger and more refreshed. It lifts the eyebrows and reduces lines and furrows on the forehead by treating the forehead and brow muscles. The incision can be placed in the hairline to shorten a longer forehead or further back in the hair to hide it completely.

Although an eyelid surgery or brow lift may be needed based on individual goals, many ATM procedures can be done with just injectables. Fillers like Juvederm, Volbella or Vollure can be used to fill in the smile lines around the eyes. They can also be used for the “11” lines that can form in between the brows. Filler can be used in the cheeks as well, which can help the eyes appear more open because the eyelid muscles don’t have to constrict as hard. As a result, the eyes are more open and look better. If the eyelids aren’t too saggy, fillers can also be used in the tear troughs – the deep crease between the lower eyelid and upper cheek.

Botox can be used in the forehead to help smooth vertical frown lines and horizontal forehead wrinkles by relaxing the forehead muscles. However, these muscles help elevate the brow – muscle function that is needed for correct brow appearance, so everyone’s treatment is individualized to keep from creating a heavy brow and upper lid fullness. Dr. Poulter also places Botox between the eyes and on the sides. This produces a mini chemical brow lift. Having a board-certified plastic surgeon provide your filler and Botox injections can help ensure that you get the result you are seeking and discuss when it is necessary to take the next step towards surgery.

We also carry the newest SkinMedica products designed just for the area around the eyes. Instant Bright eye cream lightens the eyelids and tightens the skin a bit to help improve the eye’s appearance. It can be used directly on the upper and lower lids, with improvement seen within an hour of application for some patients. The Instant Bright medicated eye masks soothe and hydrate the undereye area, helping to reduce puffiness and helping the eyes look more youthful.

Some people only need Botox and fillers to achieve their aesthetic goals; some require surgery to get the improvement they seek for their eyes. While Dr. Poulter prefers to start with the less invasive methods, he also wants to be a good steward of your cosmetic dollar. During your consultation, he will take into account your goals and how you want to appear, and then develop an individual treatment plan to work for you.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Poulter today or call our office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free at (888) 841-4108.

Dos and Don’ts of Plastic Surgery

If you’re considering plastic surgery, choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon is the first step you should take for a safe surgery and results. It’s equally important to follow the pre-operative and recovery instructions that you’re given.

Most people think that recovery just means healing after your procedure, but you can set yourself up for success even before your surgery by taking care of yourself and creating a good environment for healing.

  • Eat a balanced diet: A healing body needs nutrients, so nourishing your body with quality proteins, vitamins and minerals is crucial.
  • Don’t smoke, vape, or use nicotine: Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, which limits blood supply to incision sites. This slows down healing, which increases risks for infection, blood clots or scarring. It’s best to quit entirely, but you should at least follow your plastic surgeon’s recommendation, which may be to quit 3-6 weeks prior to surgery through 3-6 weeks after.
  • Check your list of prohibited substances before taking any medication, herb, or supplement: Did you know that a lot of normally safe or even healthy substances, like aspirin and green tea, may be risky before surgery? They may act as blood thinners, which increases the risk of bleeding or could even interfere with anesthesia. Your surgeon will provide you with a list of substances to avoid before and after surgery. It’s important that you read through it and follow their directions thoroughly.
  • Make arrangements for home care, child/pet care, and care for yourself: After your surgery, you may need help with things you normally take for granted (getting out of bed, getting dressed, etc). If you have children or pets, you will also need to coordinate help ahead of time so you are not tempted to overdo it.

Some people are used to being on the go, and the post-recovery downtime can be a bit difficult. It may help to view recovery like it’s your job and remember that downtime is temporary. Taking care of yourself now will help lead to longer-lasting results.

  • Do take your medicine: Pain medicine will help you rest comfortably. However, they can also impair your driving. It’s best to get someone to drive you to your follow-up appointments (and any other errands) until you’re off the pain medicine.
  • Drink your water: Staying hydrated will help you feel better sooner. It helps by flushing out the residual effects of anesthesia and helps your body deliver nutrients to help heal incisions.
  • Take care of your incisions: Your plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions for how to take care of incisions, but there are some general guidelines. If your incisions are covered with surgical tape, don’t peel it off. Leave it in place as long as possible to help protect your scars from dirt, infection, etc. You also should keep your incisions dry.
  • Don’t do too much too soon: Once you start feeling better, you may be tempted to pick up the pace. However, feeling more like yourself is a sign that recovery is going well, not that it is finished. Wait to resume full activities until you are given the go-ahead by your surgeon.

Questions may come up along the way of your surgery process. It’s best to give your surgeon’s office a call if you have any questions or concerns to make sure your surgery goes smoothly from start to finish. If you’re thinking about plastic surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Poulter today or call our office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free at (888) 841-4108 and get on the road to looking and feeling your best!

What Hasn’t Changed

The past few months have been unlike anything most of us have ever experienced. It is true that much of our world has changed. But we’d like to look at one thing that hasn’t changed – our commitment to your health and well-being.

Our newest offering for you is free virtual consultations. You can do these online-only visits from the privacy and comfort of your own home, using your computer, laptop or smartphone. Dr. Poulter and a member from our medical team will be there to provide information and answer any questions you may have.

We’re able to use Klara, which is a HIPAA-compliant, secure video technology used for these appointments. It also allows us to see each other, and use the visual cues so necessary to communicate well, even when we’re physically apart. This way, we can continue to offer the same personalized care that we’re known for. And did we mention that these virtual consultations are currently free?

Warmer weather in Illinois means more road construction, but with these online consultations, you won’t have to spend any gas money or time driving, so it’s more cost effective. You can also complete all paperwork through the texting portion of Klara. It’s easier than ever to connect each patient to a staff member as you move through your rejuvenation journey

You deserve to feel your best now more than ever, and this may be a perfect time to explore your options. Schedule a virtual consultation today. Please stay safe, healthy, and kind as our communities are reopening. How we feel about ourselves impacts how we feel and treat others!

Virtual Visits – A New Option

As our world keep changing, one thing has remained consistent – our commitment to your health and well-being. And thanks to technology like telemedicine, we can now keep you safe while also helping you begin your cosmetic surgery journey.

If you are not comfortable coming in the office, we are now offering complimentary online consultations. These virtual face-to-face visits can be done via computer, laptop or smartphone. Our office is using Zoom, which is HIPPA-compliant, and you will have both Dr. Poulter and a member of our medical team in the consultation.

In a virtual consultation, we go through the same steps we would in-person. You can gather information and ask any questions you may have. These online consultations allow us to provide the same personalized care that we offer in our office. Whether you are seeking a second opinion, have questions or concerns, or are interested in a new procedure, we are here for you and remain committed to your health and well-being in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

If you’ve been considering cosmetic surgery, now may be a perfect time to research and take the next steps. Schedule a virtual consultation with Dr. Poulter today or call our office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free at (888) 841-4108. Please stay safe and healthy.

Staying Connected While Staying Safe

Our philosophy has always been to take the very best care of our patients and staff. During times like these, that responsibility extends to our greater community, as well. To help protect both you and our staff, our office has reduced our office hours through the end of April.

If you recently had surgery and need to be seen for a follow-up, we will be making accommodations to see you individually to ensure a full and safe recovery. It is always our goal to keep our patients and staff safe. In an effort to keep moving forward, we will be offering complimentary consultations online. We are using Zoom, which is HIPPA-compliant, and you will have myself and a person from our medical team in the consultation.

Please know that we are always here for you, even during times like these. We can talk with you now and answer any questions you may have while giving you options for later.  When you are ready, we will be here for you.  We have multiple options – both surgical and non-surgical. It is important to determine the right options for you.  If you are interested in scheduling a complimentary consultation, please reach out to us at (309) 663-1222.

We know that this is an unprecedented time for everyone, but history has also shown that it’s usually darkest before the dawn. It’s important to work together to take care of our staff, our patients and our community to keep everyone healthy! We wish you and your family safety and good health, and we are here for you – both now and in the future.

Plastic Surgery Financing Options

Since cosmetic surgery is elective, it’s usually not covered by insurance. Luckily, however, there are financing options such as loans, credit cards, and payment plans.

Qualifying borrowers can take out personal loans from a bank, credit union, or online lender for plastic surgery. Interest rates depend on your credit and there is a specified amount of time for repayment. Many personal loans are unsecured, meaning there’s no collateral required for the loan.

We accept personal credit cards like VISA, MasterCard, or Discover. We also accept CareCredit, a medical credit card that can only be used for medical procedures or other healthcare needs. The CareCredit card is just as easy to use as a regular credit card, and offers convenient payment plans and no hidden costs.

Payment plans may be another option. These plans have the flexibility to be created for each patient. However, unpaid loans can go to a collection agency, and failure to pay could affect your relationship with your doctor if you need or want procedures in the future.

Just as every surgery procedure we perform is individualized for each patient, so are the financing arrangements. We will work with you to make cosmetic enhancement a reality. If you would like to discuss specific costs and payment information, request a consultation online or call our office at (309) 663-1222.

A Letter From Dr. Poulter

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, one of the things I pride myself on is staying up to date with the latest safety updates and addressing any potential concerns that my patients may have. Over the past several months, textured breast implants have been in the news. On July 24, 2019 the FDA requested that the Allergan company voluntarily recall its Biocell textured implants. I have received several calls and quite a few office visits to discuss breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (known as BIA-ALCL). Hopefully this letter will answer many of your questions, but please feel free to schedule a complimentary office visit with me to discuss further.

What is BIA-ALCL? Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, (BIA-ALCL), is a rare form of lymphoma.  It is not a cancer that develops in the breast.  There are many types of lymphomas.  BIA-ALCL is a slow growing tumor that is more commonly (2/3 of the time) found early as a collection of fluid around the implant and 1/3 of the time as a mass adjacent to the implant.

What Symptoms Should I Be Looking For? Unlike breast cancer, BIA-ALCL most commonly presents with swelling of one breast.  Other less common symptoms include hardening of the breast, an unusually persistent rash, or a palpable mass in the breast or armpit – all easily identified by you. An ultrasound can detect the presence of fluid, and if present, a small amount can be aspirated with a needle and tested. Should this be positive for tests called CD30 and ALK, a diagnosis of BIA-ALCL will be considered.  If the tests are negative, the fluid collection is considered benign. Benign fluid collections, known as seromas, are not uncommon around breast implants so it is important to differentiate them from those associated with ALCL. Anyone with new onset of increased pain, swelling, or breast asymmetry should see their surgeon for evaluation.

Why did the FDA request that Allergan recall its Biocell textured implants? Some breast implants have a textured surface. The texturing of the Biocell implants is different from the texturing of other implants and has been associated with the highest risk of BIA-ALCL. It is important to know that there  have been NO confirmed cases of BIA-ALCL associated with smooth implants.

Why Did Allergan Withdraw Its BioCell Textured Implants? Although there are manufacturers of textured implants other than Allergan, the FDA analysis found that the risk of a BIA-ALCL diagnosis with Allergan products is approximately six times higher than that of other types of texture.  84% of the 573 reported cases have been linked to Allergan BioCell textured products.  The diagnosis of BIA-ALCL is rare; the best estimate is thought to be approximately 1:3,000, although some centers have reported higher incidences.

In my practice, I used Biocell textured expanders and shaped textured implants in all my breast reconstructions before 2017 and used Biocell textured implants for some augmentations between 2014-2017. The last two years, I have switched to smooth round implants for augmentation and have slowly decreased my reconstructions to virtually none this year (with the exception of prior patients needing revision). It has always been my goal to do everything we can to limit the possibility of infection of breast implants.

In order to limit infection, patients wash with antibacterial soap and use chlorhexidine wipes before surgery. During breast surgery, I use techniques which have been shown to minimize bacterial contamination. I also utilize a “14 Point Plan for an Optical Aseptic Approach”. Components include keeping the patient warm, giving meticulous attention to stopping any small bleeding, washing the pocket with antibiotics, changing gloves before taking the implants, providing IV antibiotics before surgery and oral antibiotics 24 hours after, limiting exposure of the implant to air to less than 30 seconds, using a dual plane pocket without dissection of the breast tissue, avoiding drains and using a layered closure. This attention to detail helps prevent bacterial contamination that can cause the patient to develop BIA-ALCL.

So, what are the recommendations for patients with textured implants or a history of having a textured expander used in breast reconstruction?

  • First, don’t panic! The risk is still fairly small and varies widely (1:3,200- 1:30,000 in the United States). The techniques I have used throughout my career also put you at significantly lesser risk.
  • Second, call and schedule an appointment to discuss your options and what makes sense for you. The American Society of Plastic Surgery does not recommend removing your implant(s) if you are not having any problems or symptoms of pain, swelling, or feeling a palpable mass. Additional information is available from the FDA, The American Society of Plastic Surgery, and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (see links below).
  • Third, continue to perform your monthly self-breast exams so you are aware of early symptoms. Early treatment of this disease leads to better outcomes.
  • Finally, if you do decide you would like to have your implants replaced, Allergan will provide you with complimentary smooth round silicone gel implants at no charge until July 2020. (There will be anesthesia and room fees and a reduced surgical fee). We will also perform a capsulectomy to remove the scar tissue (capsule) around the implant where the tumor originates. There are several funds available to help defray the costs when insurance limitations restrict your ability to obtain treatment. Please see links below.

As more information becomes available, I will update my website and would be happy to forward these updates to the email address you provided if so desired.


Additional Resources

Mollenkopf Aesthetic Breast Reconstruction Fund 

BIA-ALCL Patient Assistance Fund