In Illinois, weight loss patients have found a partner in Dr. Jeffrey Poulter, who specializes in restoring firmer, smoother body contours after massive weight loss. Dr. Poulter has dedicated himself to refining and improving traditional body lifting procedures for optimal results with improved comfort and care. Procedures for the upper body eliminate excess skin and residual fat that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Dr. Poulter customizes these procedures to give his weight loss patients in Illinois body contouring results that help complete their journey to a healthier, fuller life.
To find out why Dr. Poulter is one of the most esteemed post weight loss plastic surgeons in the Midwest, request a consultation today. Or you can call the office at (309) 663-1222 or Toll Free (888) 841-4108 and one of our helpful staff members will assist you.
Plastic surgery financing is available to help you cover up to 100% of the cost of your procedure. Our Center offers several convenient financing programs, which can be discussed in detail following your consultation.
Also known as brachioplasty, arm lift surgery is performed to reduce the excess, hanging skin often left behind after significant weight loss. Dr. Poulter usually performs arm lift surgery as its own procedure, or in combination with other revision surgeries. For many women and men, the natural, proportional results that Dr. Poulter achieves through this popular procedure can be life changing.
Incision – Dr Poulter uses an inferior incision on the upper arm to remove the excess skin and fat.
Variations – If you have good skin elasticity, liposuction alone may be an option for reducing excess bulk. Occasionally, liposuction is used as a first stage procedure, followed by skin excision for a more dramatic re-contouring of the upper arm. Dr. Poulter also modifies this procedure to tighten excess chest wall skin in the armpits of those patients who need it.
Torsoplasty is done to remove the redundant skin of the back and flanks, and can correct the mild recurrence of loose skin in the upper abdomen that sometimes occurs after abdominoplasty. Dr. Poulter usually recommends this operation be done after an abdominoplasty to help stage these operations in the most effective, economic and comfortable way. Torsoplasty can have a tremendous impact on a person’s physical comfort as well as his or her self image.
Incision – The incision wraps around the chest from back to front and, for women, is hidden beneath the bra.
Variations – Torsoplasty is often performed in conjunction with breast enhancement procedures. It is frequently combined with gynecomastia surgery in men to remove the sagging skin of the breast, reposition the nipple and tighten the back all at once.
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Dr. Jeffrey Poulter →
An experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Poulter is committed to your beautiful results with minimal discomfort and downtime.
Breast enhancement procedures can help improve the size, shape and position of a woman’s breasts after massive weight loss. Breast enhancement after massive weight loss may involve breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or a combination of procedures. Dr. Poulter uses a customized approach to breast enhancement after massive weight loss, and procedures can range from fairly straightforward to more complex and involved, depending on what will achieve the best results for the patient.
Incision – The incision pattern for breast enhancement varies, depending on the degree of sagging and skin excision. In most cases, an inverted “T” shaped incision is used, which involves an incision around the areola, a vertical incision down the underside of the breast, and an incision along the breast fold.
Variations – After significant weight loss, many women already have an adequate amount of breast tissue and therefore should not need breast implants. Repositioning the nipple/areolar tissue and reshaping the breast is enough to provide the improvements they desire. With significant loss of upper breast volume or breast tissue an implant may be required. However, due to Dr. Poulter’s extensive experience and training with this type of surgery, he is often able to use the patient’s own tissue to reconstruct the breast mound without the need for an implant.
In order to assure proportional, natural looking results, Dr. Poulter prefers to perform breast procedures on massive weight loss patients after evaluating the final results of their abdominoplasty surgery.
Men are often left with residual fat and sagging breasts after significant weight loss. Male breast reduction may range from liposuction of the area to surgical excision and nipple grafting, depending on the extent of the correction needed.
Incision – In the case of liposuction-only correction, Dr. Poulter makes several tiny incisions for the insertion of the liposuction cannula. If surgical excision of breast tissue is necessary, the incision is typically made around the areola – the circle of more darkly pigmented skin around the nipple. In some cases, excess skin will require an additional incision, and the nipples may need to be repositioned to a more natural placement on the chest.
Variations – Dr. Poulter often combines techniques for male breast reduction with torsoplasty surgery in order to achieve optimal correction of the chest, torso and back. Many times liposuction of the chest wall can help feather the edges of the resection to provide smooth transitions from treated and untreated areas.